We want to update you on the status of your booking with Bed-Stuy Art House.
As you may know, we have recently had to close our space, and we understand that this impacts your plans.
For those who have planned events ahead of time:
If you have already BOOKED AND/OR MADE PAYMENT on your event, you will be refunded ask of your your money 14 days before your event date. Your booking will be prioritized in our refund process.
We believe this approach is fair and ensures that everyone is treated equitably. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are committed to making sure everyone receives their refund as outlined above.
We want to update you on the status of your $250 voucher for Bed-Stuy Art House.
As you may know, we have recently had to close our space, and we understand that this impacts your plans.
For those who have planned events ahead of time:
If you have already scheduled your event, you will be refunded your money 14 days before your event date. Your event will be prioritized in our refund process.
For those who have not yet chosen a date to use their voucher:
If you haven't selected a date to use your voucher, you will be refunded by December 31, 2024, which is the term limit of the voucher. We are working and will refund earlier that December 31 if possible.
We believe this approach is fair and ensures that everyone is treated equitably. If you have any questions or need further assistance, please don't hesitate to reach out. We are committed to making sure everyone receives their refund as outlined above.
Thank you for your continued support.